Do I need any special credentials to drive on New Jersey roads during this emergency?
No. Under Governor Murphy’s Executive Order 107, the ""stay at home"" order, New Jersey residents can leave their homes and drive on state roads for the following reasons: 1. Obtaining goods or services from essential retail businesses, 2. Obtaining takeout food or beverages from restaurants, other dining establishments, or food courts 3. Seeking medical attention, essential social services, or assistance from law enforcement or emergency services 4. Visiting family or other individuals with whom the resident has a close personal relationship, such as those for whom the individual is a caretaker or romantic partner 5. Reporting to, or performing, their job walking, running, operating a wheelchair, or engaging in outdoor activities with immediate family members, caretakers, household members, or romantic partners while following best social distancing practices with other individuals, including staying six feet apart 6. Leaving the home for an educational, religious, or political reason 7. Leaving because of a reasonable fear for his or her health or safety 8. Leaving at the direction of law enforcement or other government agency Updated/Reviewed: 3/21/2020 Source: